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purchase invoicing System Configuration

The important system settings in this tab are:

ID Key Default Description
UseRounding Yes Posts any difference between the Qty * Unit Price + Tax and the sum of hte Line Totals to the ledger account attached to the System setting LedgerPurchInvRounding
UseInventoryPurchaseLedger No This setting in used applies when the System setting UseCostOfGoodsLedger is set to No. If that is the case, then:
  • If this setting is Yes, then the debit entry for the purchase is posted to the ledger account attached to Ledger Purchases (inventory records); else
  • Ledger account attached to Creditor Purchases (creditor record) is used
UpdateLastCost Yes When ticked, saving a receival slip automatically updates the field Last Cost in the Prices tab of each inventory item on the form
UpdateSuppWHCost Yes Ticking this setting updates the Home Cost and Foreign Cost fields in the Supply >
TaxRoundingAccount Blank Amount entered in Adj field on the purchase invoice is posted to this account
PurchTaxLiabilityAccount Blank Credit entry for the amount entered in Adj field on the purchase invoice is posted to this account
PurchTaxExpenseAccount Blank Debit entry for the amount entered in Adj field on the purchase invoice is posted to this account
TaxGridBeforeTaxHeading Sub Total Label description for Totals grid
TaxGridTaxHeading Tax Label description for Totals grid
TaxGridAdjHeading Adj Label description for Totals grid
TaxGridTotalTaxHeading Tax Label description for Totals grid
TaxGridAfterTaxHeading Total Label description for Totals grid
ValidateABN No Warns if the supplier does not have a valid ABN number but still allows the form to be changed

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